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How did we come up with the name Big Smoke Photo Booth?

How did we come up with the name Big Smoke Photo Booth?

We've had quite a few people say they loved our name and sometimes they asked how we came up with it. It’s quite simple actually.

When we started this company we wanted to think of something that was self-explanatory, so it had to have the term “photo booth”. There are too many photo booth rental businesses out there that just refer to themselves as a “booth”. We also wanted to say we were from Toronto, and serve the Greater Toronto Area, but without being as boring as saying “Toronto Photo Booth”. Not to mention someone had that domain already.

It didn’t take long before we could think of the perfect name…Hogtown Photo Booth!!! This was the first domain we purchased, but after sitting on it for a while we felt that the term “Hogtown” was being used too much around the city and that it was potentially turning into the new trendy thing to call everything Hogtown. We already had a Hogtown Pub, and a Hogtown Vegan, so we didn’t want to be another Hogtown, but we still wanted to use something that was a moniker for Toronto.

Then it hit us…BIG SMOKE PHOTO BOOTH! It was perfect! It was a reference to Toronto, without saying Toronto, but it also wasn’t a name that everyone was familiar with, except maybe the older generations. So we bought the domain for and the rest is history.